We take pride in the openness of our program and the fact that we highly encourage parental involvement.
Ten Major Goals That Guide Our Program
- Growing in independence
- Learning to give and share, as well as receive affection
- Learning to get along with others
- Developing self control
- Developing non-sexist human roles
- Beginning to understand bodies
- Practicing large and small motor skills
- Beginning to understand and control the physical world
- Learning new worlds and understanding others
- Developing a positive feeling about their relationship to the world
Daily curriculum for the 3-year olds include:
- Socialization
- Following Directions
- Taking Turns/Sharing With Peers
- Developing Listening & Language Skills
- Developing Large & Small Motor Skills
- Music & Art
Daily curriculum for the 4-year olds include:
Our 4-year old program is based on common core standards, and focuses on kindergarten readiness.
- Alphabet Book
- Weekly Reader
- 100 Day Journal (Question Of The Day)
- Science Experiments & Cooking Projects
- Large & Small Motor Skill Activities
- Developing Listening & Language Skills
- Writing Skills
- Calendar
- Social Studies
- Music & Art